Model for Improvement and additional research

   In reviewing MacDonald's reviews, we found some bad reviews about customer service. First of all, even though this is a fast-food restaurant, the serving time sometimes exceeded 30 minutes, and the customer did not receive an adequate apology because they were busy. One of the advantages of fast-food restaurants is that customers can receive their products quickly; making customers wait 30 minutes is problematic and must be improved. The most important thing in customer service is to treat customers with integrity. 

    The textbook is written that “Some of the most common barriers to excellent customer service are Laziness, Poor communication skills, Poor time management, Attitude, Moodiness, Lack of adequate training, Inability to handle stress, Insufficient authority, Serving customers on autopilot, Inadequate staffing”. If you have caused a 30-minute delay, you need to explain politely and apologize. If the customer is angry, you need to be more creative in your response. The way you handle these situations will determine the reputation of your restaurant. Good customer service will have a positive impact on the store's sales growth, while bad customer service will cause sales to decline. 

    The Hilton Hotel reviews show a very good star rating of 4 to 4.5, but some people have given bad reviews. Many of those people's bad customer service experiences are about their interactions with the staff. When I went to the front desk to have my room changed after a long wait to repair the curtains in my room, I was ignored by the staff. They did not respond. Some of the comments include: "I was ignored by the front desk staff. Since the guests should be provided with what they deserve for their room and hotel facilities, their complaints are justified, and the staff should respond more sincerely and promptly. Options such as providing a replacement room and giving the customer a coupon to be used in the hotel are more likely to reduce the customer's anger. 

     Another company to mention is Amazon. Amazon is expected to have many problems with refunds and returns. It has email and phone support for that. However, since it is not a face-to-face exchange, they have to be very careful about their language and how they apologize for any problems. Thinking about what is best for the customer and quickly issuing a refund or return is necessary to avoid losing the customer. As the teacher said in class, it takes a lot of effort to get new customers, so we should take care of the customers we already have.


McDonald’s review


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